
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Loss Or A New Start?

Hi to all my readers. It has been a long time ever since I logged on to this blog. What has made me feel like blogging again? Well, let's just say something I had experienced recently.

This time, I'll begin with a story about Tim and Kim. Tim was an ordinary young man searching for the love of his life like everyone else. The last relationship he got involved with was 2 years ago. Reason why the relationship didn't work out? Well, I have to say SOME THINGS IN LIFE JUST DON'T WORK OUT THE WAY YOU WANT IT TO BE.

After 1 and half years searching, he finally discovered that he had a strong bond and interest towards his friend, Kim. As they kept talking on the phone, texting each other on phone or online, they met up one day when Kim was having an outing with her friends. When they saw each other on that day, they hugged. In comfort Tim felt and Kim at the other hand requested Tim not to let go. As it went of for a moment, they got into a restaurant. Tim then ask Kim to choose her favourite cake as Tim was gonna buy her one piece. Kim chose 'New York Cheese Cake'. After Tim paid for her cake, Tim went off to regroup with his friends as it was his friend's birthday celebration.

As time went by, they got together but it wasn't 'official' like everyone else calls it. They were very loving and Tim said that it was the best time he had ever had and vice versa. Tim didn't matter much about the relationship being 'not official', but Tim wanted to make Kim happy by making it 'official'. So Tim planned to ask her out on 31st December 2006 to make it 'official'. They both then did went out together to a small gathering hosted by Tim's friends. As the clock ticked 12 midnight, 1st January of 2007, Tim then asked Kim "Would you be my girlfriend?". It tooked Kim a while to answer whereas she was still thinking. As Tim drove her home, Kim said "Yes". Tim was really happy, plus the smile of Kim's face made him happier.

Things between both of them were really good. They were loving, caring and funny. This had lasted for about 3 months. After that, some normal couple arguements occured. The arguement led them to a distinct feeling which was can't be described. This particular situation lasted for 3 days and on a Monday, March 19th 2007, Kim talked to Tim on the phone. Kim said, "I don't know how to say this". From that phrase and they way Kim sentenced it, Tim knew it was the end. Tim then assumed to Kim, "Are you gonna break up?". Kim silenced, a silent saying which meant "yes". Tim then begged for another chance to make things right in the relationship but all Kim did was to deny him. Tim felt really sad and really shocked things would end up this way. Tim didn't have the appetite to even eat his dinner which he packed from outside.

He drove around without setting a destination and eventually he called up Ristine requesting for a short meeting. When he arrived at her gate, he hugged Ristine with tears in his eyes and he told Ristine that he was single. Ristine then told him to take a walk around the housing area. As they walked, they arrived at the park where Tim and Kim were always there together. Tim then kept looking at the place where they used to sat on. Like rain, tears flowed from Tim's heart. Since then, Tim kept thinking of the first day they hugged.

For 1 and a half year searching, Tim finally found someone he claimed to be perfect. Do things have to end this instantly? Not even the effort of working things out? Is it a loss or a new start? I'll say.. I don't know either because loving someone is not as easy as it sounds. Some guys can just go around falling in love with plenty of girls. But for Tim, he hardly falls in love, and to him, love is something greater than being a boyfriend to another. Love is serious, it requires commitments. It is not something that would end so easily, it is definitely not something which you can cheat on. If you really love someone, you would treasure her, care more than anything for her, sacrifice the impossible for her and be loyal to her.

For some guys out there, don't cheat on your loved ones. Imagine if they cheat on you, how would you feel? Feel greatful that you have someone on your side to love you as much as they are capable to. Treasure those who loves you my friends. True love don't come around easily but feelings do. Feelings don't tell whether they are your true love. What tells that they are is the sacrifice they are willing to take for you. In life, things don't always go the way you want them to be as I stated earlier on. Whether it is a loss or a new start, it is up to you to decide.