
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Pain for good or just plain suffer?

Have we ever wondered and asked ourselves why when each and every bad times occurs? Have we even thought that if these suffering situations will benefit us? Or perhaps, it will just break us down in tears?

A friend of mine Beni once said that we must suffer each and every moment to gain what we desire. Well, personally i agree. To earn money, we work hard. To earn dignity and pride, we strive for the best. What about to get a person of your dream? A person that indirectly and mentally makes you a whole new complete person. We questioned ourselves sometimes. How? When is the right time? Where is the right place? What makes us able to do so?

George was a nice and kind man. He once had a girl that he claimed to be the girl of his life. He spent numerous quality time with her and also spent some hard time with her basically having the "bad couple moment" which I'm sure every couple had. As time passes by, George got a job in a not-so-succesful company. He began working hard in order to make the best out of his job not having paid at a fair price of his efforts. But his loyalty and interest to the job made him continue his job. As he worked hard, he gets busier day by day too. He had not have any time to spend on with his girlfriend anymore. He left her hanging waiting and waiting and still waiting. He felt guilthy leaving her playing with the tv remote everyday thinking when is he free to be there for her. As a result, he broke off with her. Practically setting her free to browse the whole world to herself. He felt relieved having to only focus on his job.

Several months later, George's job doesn't seem to get busy anymore. He had a lot of time to himself as though he can travel to wherever he desires. He started spending his time with his friends and entertaining them. But deep inside him, he felt a miss. He felt like there is a hole in his heart and something is needed to cover that hole. He even sometimes teared in the dark where noone else can notice.

Weeks later, he met with his ex-girlfriend. He was asked to go for a company party with her just to accompany her as a friend. So as they both went to the party, they had a great time. George started to feel something closing the hole of his heart. From then, he realised that what he needed is his ex-girlfriend to again have good and quality time.

Few days after he realised it, he called his ex-girlfriend. He told him about how he felt when he was with her at the party and thinked it over day and day that he wanted to get back with her. He wanted her in his life badly as he kept thinking of her. Therefore, he made his decision and asked her to be back with him. But in a shock, a chance he thought he would have, dissapeared in a flash as she said she don't think it is a good idea to be back together. He started begging like a baby but still she replied the same. Having his heart and hopes crushed, he felt lost and started smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

Is George having to taste his own medicine? Is it worth it to beg so much and spoil his lungs? Or is George's ex-girlfriend have moved on? She's in love with another? She's scared the same thing is going to happen? What is the world is it?

Dear readers, imagine if this is your situation, what would you do? And is George's ex-girlfriend just plain heartless as he cried for her for long to mend the hole in his heart?


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